Tuesday, July 22, 2008

In the secret place...

My pool, at midnight, in the dark, in the silence.

I was restless in bed. My back was in spasm, and I just couldn't seem to still myself to get to sleep. So finally at midnight I got up, got on my suit, and got into my pool. I haven't been swimming in the dark in quite a while. It was so peaceful, so still. There were no sounds accept the lone call of a train whistle in the distance.

I started to pray, calling on the Lord. Reaching out to Him with my words and my spirit. I called on my Jesus to come and be with me. I wanted time with Him. One on one time. I didn't want to sing to Him, read about Him, pray to Him, talk about Him.

I wanted to be with Him. Just me and Him. Alone. I wanted to experience His peace with Him.

The presence of the Lord is the most incredible thing in this universe. It is so healing, so comforting, and I'm not sure I can even find all the right words.

I am so grateful for my Lord.


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